
Chinese Spy Was Close to Dem Governor

A close aid to the New York Democrat Governor, Kathy Hochul, was arrested for spying for the government of China.…

2 weeks ago

Islamic Terror Strikes Europe Again

A new wave of terrorist attacks has struck Europe. One incident happened in the South of France, where an Islamic…

4 weeks ago

Corrupt Democrat Indicted

Henry Cuellar, a Democrat Congressman, was charged by the Department of Justice over corruption and serving as a foreign agent.…

5 months ago

Antisemitic Protests Sweep the Nation

Anti-Israel protests have spread throughout college campuses around the country. Most, however, have been concentrated in New York, home to…

5 months ago

Biden’s Offensive Remarks Cause International Incident

Joe Biden’s latest lie has caused an international incident. Biden’s uncle was a pilot during World War II in the…

5 months ago

Republicans Stop Government Surveillance

19 Congressional Republicans voted against the renewal of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. FISA has been used since 1978 to…

5 months ago

Mexico Shakes Down America With A Shocking Threat

The outgoing President of Mexico has stated that he will continue to send migrants to America until his demands are…

6 months ago