Will This RINO Switch Parties?

Lisa Murkowski, one of Alaska’s Senators, is weighing whether she will switch from the Republican Party to become an independent.…

6 months ago

RINO Throws Bomb With Resignation

Ken Buck, a Republican from Colorado, is resigning from the House. This is now the 6th resignation since the beginning…

6 months ago

House GOP Finally Delivers Big Win

House Republicans finally scored a big win with the impeachment of Mayorkas, the head of DHS. The articles of impeachment…

7 months ago

Here are the Republican Congressmen Who Back Biden’s Border

The Republican House failed to impeach Secretary Mayorkas when three of its members side with Democrats. This includes Tom Clintock…

8 months ago

RINOs Back Open Borders Bill

Senate centrists have been working with the White House to pass border legislation. Here is the full text of the…

8 months ago