
Dem Congressmen Put Pressure on Biden

Factions in Congress are calling for Biden to step down in the face of growing pressure. Following his terrible debate…

2 months ago

Trump Could Win This Blue State

Donald Trump could be on track to win Virginia in 2024. This would be a major upset for Democrats who…

3 months ago

A New State Could be in Play for Trump

Democrats are in full panic mode following a poll saying that Trump is close to Biden’s numbers in the state…

4 months ago

Biden Receives More Catastrophic News

Biden’s poll numbers have further cratered in the face of a Trump resurgence. In Wisconsin, Biden secured a lead in…

4 months ago

New Poll Is Bad News for Biden

A new poll shows Biden losing against Trump across the board. Nationwide, Trump now holds a 5 point edge over…

7 months ago

Trump-Biden Poll Shows Shocking Result

Recent polls show that President Biden is doing better against former President Trump in hypothetical matchups. Also, it seems more…

8 months ago