
Teamsters Union Makes Shocking Decision

The Teamsters Union, one of the largest unions in the country, is refusing to endorse a Presidential candidate for the…

19 hours ago

Will Taylor Swift’s Endorsement Change Anything?

Taylor Swift officially endorsed Kamala Harris following the September 10 debate. The move was expected by all political analysts, as…

4 days ago

Dem Congressmen Put Pressure on Biden

Factions in Congress are calling for Biden to step down in the face of growing pressure. Following his terrible debate…

2 months ago

FBI Cracks Down on Corrupt Dem

The FBI is conducting an investigation into the mayor of Dolton Village, one of the most corrupt local governments in…

5 months ago

How Will Trump Tackle the Abortion Issue?

Donald Trump is trying to figure out how to deal with the abortion issue in the general election. Time after…

5 months ago

Trump’s Money Trouble Is About to Get Worse

Donald Trump is supposed to be paying his civil judgement in New York, but has been unable to secure a…

6 months ago

New Poll Is Bad News for Biden

A new poll shows Biden losing against Trump across the board. Nationwide, Trump now holds a 5 point edge over…

7 months ago

Trump Demolishes Haley in Home State

Donald Trump won a resounding victory in the South Carolina GOP primary. Trump scored close to 60% of the vote,…

7 months ago

House GOP Finally Delivers Big Win

House Republicans finally scored a big win with the impeachment of Mayorkas, the head of DHS. The articles of impeachment…

7 months ago

Trump-Biden Poll Shows Shocking Result

Recent polls show that President Biden is doing better against former President Trump in hypothetical matchups. Also, it seems more…

8 months ago