Supreme Court

Supreme Court Stands Up for Gun Rights

The Supreme Court ruled on an important gun rights issue. Clarence Thomas delivered the opinion that the ATF’s ban on…

3 months ago

Justice Roberts Holds the Upper-Hand on Democrats’ Latest Crusade

Democrats are looking to reform the judiciary, but Justice John Roberts seems to have the upper hand. Roberts is not…

3 months ago

Supreme Court Stops Dem Power Grab

The Supreme Court has stopped any redistricting in the state of South Carolina. The state saw no significant population change…

4 months ago

Supreme Court Deals Blow to Parents

The Supreme Court has dealt a critical blow against parents fearful for their children in schools. The Montgomery County, Maryland,…

4 months ago

Supreme Court Weighs In On Trump Trial

The Supreme Court recently heard Jack Smith’s case against Donald Trump, and how much immunity can be considered for the…

5 months ago

Supreme Court Protect Children in Big Way

The Supreme Court has agreed to enforce an Idaho law that prevents minors from genital mutilation. An inferior federal court…

5 months ago

Conservative Leader Persecuted by Senate

Leonard Leo, a key leader in the conservative movement, has refused a Democrat subpoena before the Senate. This is a…

5 months ago

Will This RINO Switch Parties?

Lisa Murkowski, one of Alaska’s Senators, is weighing whether she will switch from the Republican Party to become an independent.…

6 months ago

Supreme Court Could Deliver Big Win to Gun Rights

The Supreme Court heard a case involving the NRA in New York and could prove to be a big boon…

6 months ago