
Dem Congressmen Put Pressure on Biden

1 min read
Photo Credit: Jackelberry, via Pixabay

Factions in Congress are calling for Biden to step down in the face of growing pressure. Following his terrible debate performance, more and more political figures have called for Biden’ not running in the coming election.

With only a month left before the convention, Democrats are scrambling to simultaneously find a replacement and leverage Biden to step down from the campaign. Without his cooperation, the task will be very difficult. ABC News says:

President Joe Biden is facing a critical point in his reelection bid as Democratic calls for him to exit the 2024 race continue to mount despite his efforts to shut them down.

A poor debate performance against Donald Trump reignited questions about Biden’s age and fitness to carry out his campaign and serve another four years. Biden has defiantly insisted he is staying the course, telling lawmakers this week he is not going anywhere.

The Congressional Hispanic Caucus carries a lot of weight among Democrats. Because Hispanics are not monolithically Democrats, they are a lot less loyal to the Democratic brand and would be more willing to switch to Trump. Axios continues:

President Biden’s meeting with members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus on Friday didn’t go as planned, with one lawmaker even urging him to drop his re-election bid, according to two sources briefed on the matter.

Biden was an hour late to the Zoom meeting with Hispanic Caucus members on Friday, which was held through the group’s political arm, BOLD PAC, the sources said.

These intra-Democrat feuds are growing with time, and entice others to join in more. It will further prevent Biden form making gains, and any mistake however small will now be under scrutiny.

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