Biden Fails Test With Interview

1 min read
Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore, via Flickr

Joe Biden went on the air with George Stephanopoulos in an attempt to convince the American people of his mental capabilities. Sadly for him, he failed miserably leading to calls for him to step down.

Despite having a friendly host and softball questions, Biden still projected an aura of feebleness that will be difficult to shake. The microphone, in particular, could barely pick up his speech. The Hill says:

President Biden’s first post-debate interview with ABC seemingly did little to change the minds of Democrats who were rattled by Biden’s poor debate showing last week and have questioned his ability to beat former President Trump in November.

The interview was seen as the president’s make-or-break moment to try and reassure voters and leaders within the party that the lackluster performance on stage — when Biden appeared to lack energy, had a raspy voice and stumbled over his words — was a one-time thing.

One of Obama’s top advisors, David Axelrod, has called on Biden to drop out. The calls to drop out will only grow with time, and Biden will have to simultaneously fight his own party and the Trump campaign. The NY Post reports:

While Biden again rejected calls to leave the race, saying only the “Lord Almighty” could make him, Axelrod said that wasn’t enough as polls show the incumbent slipping nationally and in battleground states.

“And some somebody really needs to be honest with him about it. It’s not, it can’t be the good Lord, but it should be people who love and care for him and his closest advisers, his portrait of where he is in this race doesn’t comport with reality,” Axelrod said.

The reality with Biden is that dropping out of the race would also mean dropping out of the Presidency. Had he only run for one term, his record would have been much brighter among Democrats. Now, he could lose it all due to his hubris.

READ NEXT: Biden’s Last Chance at Saving Himself

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