
Hunter Biden Scores Win in Upcoming Trial

1 min read
Photo Credit: qimono, via Pixabay

Hunter Biden won a motion to exclude some evidence of his character. Any mention of his sexual proclivities or child support will not be included as evidence, as a judge said it was not directly relevant to his charge.

Biden is facing a trial over gun possession. While owning a firearm, he also consumed drugs, which is a federal offense. He also has a tax trial coming up in California. NBC News says:

In a partial win for Hunter Biden, the judge overseeing his gun charges trial said prosecutors are not allowed to refer to his upcoming California tax trial, child support proceedings in Arkansas or his discharge from the Navy.

But prosecutors will be able to bring up Biden’s drug use, portions of his memoir, “Beautiful Things,” and a summary of data from his phone and iPad.

Hunter’s downfall started just before the 2020 election, when his abandoned laptop was leaked to Conservative activists. They discovered evidence of gun, drug, tax, and sex crimes. Fox News continues:

In what is called a “motion in limine,” Hunter Biden asked the court “to exclude reference to the child support proceedings in Arkansas and reference to his discharge from the Navy.” This is in reference to the child he fathered out-of-wedlock with ex-stripper Lunden Roberts, whose daughter is President Biden’s grandchild

Acknowledging that some of the evidence prosecutors wish to bring forward may be relevant to the case, including purported drug purchases, ATM withdrawals and the purchase of the revolver, Hunter Biden’s lawyers said other details like references to money allegedly spent on “adult entertainment, online chat rooms, or escort services are not relevant to the charges.” 

Hunter Biden’s trial could play a small role in the 2024 election. More than the facts themselves, the coverup by the Biden Administration and his Intelligence lackeys is proof of a conspiracy.

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