
Military Deployed to Failing Blue City

1 min read
Photo Credit: Emergency_Vehicles, via Flickr

The New York National Guard has been deployed to the New York City Subway. This is in response to the explosion of criminal acts, all the way back to the 2020 riots.

New York, once one of the safest cities when stop and frisk was the policy, has sunk back into crime. The Subway is a major flashpoint, from fare evading, to larceny, assault, and even rape and murder. The NY Post explains:

An MTA conductor was randomly whacked in the head with a glass bottle by a stranger in the Bronx Wednesday — an hour after Gov. Kathy Hochul announced she will flood the subway system with National Guardsmen to thwart a crime surge in the city’s underground.  

The 38-year-old conductor was in her cabin on a southbound No. 4 train at the 170 Street and Jerome Avenue station in Mt. Eden when the unhinged man suddenly smashed a bottle over her head just before noon, according to cops.

National Guardsmen will be working with police to detect criminals at the entry of the subway. Patrols will ask select passengers to let their bags be searched, or face no entry to the subway system. The NY Times explains:

The additional law enforcement officers would add to an already large police presence in the subways, where Mayor Eric Adams ordered an additional 1,000 officers in February following a 45 percent spike in major crimes in January compared with the same time last year.

Grand larcenies — thefts without the use of force — were a main driver of the January spike in crime, according to the police. They are defined by the police as major crimes, along with homicides, assaults and robberies.

New York City has been more concerned with persecuting Republicans in their courts than actually dealing with violent crime. While the state might not vote for Trump in 2024, this contributes to the perceived reality that America society is breaking down.

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