
Haley Backs Trump Officially

1 min read
Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore, via Flickr

Nikki Haley is officially supporting Donald Trump in more than words. She has asked her delegates to support Donald Trump at the convention to present united front against the Left.

Many supporters of Nikki Haley preferred her over Trump, but would not be considered “Never Trump”, especially when faced with candidates from the Democrat Party. Fox News:

Former U.N. ambassador and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley is releasing all of her delegates to next week’s Republican National Convention and urging them to support former President Trump.

“The nominating convention is a time for Republican unity,” Haley said in a statement on Tuesday. “I encourage my delegates to support Donald Trump next week in Milwaukee.”

At a time when the Democrat Party is in disarray over Biden’s terrible showing, Haley’s actions stand in contrast and will help Trump continue his success in the polls. According to Haley, both Biden and his likely replacement Harris have shown to be disasters to America. The Guardian:

In a statement, the former South Carolina governor and United Nations ambassador called for party unity at the upcoming Republican national convention in Milwaukee, also calling the Democratic president, Joe Biden, “not competent to serve a second term” and saying that the vice-president, Kamala Harris – whom Haley repeatedly intimated would end up as president in Biden’s stead – “would be a disaster for America”.

“We need a president who will hold our enemies to account, secure our border, cut our debt and get our economy back on track,” Haley said. “I encourage my delegates to support Donald Trump next week in Milwaukee.”

Some of Haley’s delegates will no doubt ignore her and cast their vote for her or another person. The mainstream media will make hay of this and attempt to divide the Republican Party to weaken it.

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