
Top Reactions to Donald Trump’s Conviction

1 min read
Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore, via Flickr

Donald Trump was found guilty of all 34 counts by a Manhattan jury. Sentencing and appeals . While Leftists with Trump Derangement Syndrome were seen celebrating, an even more powerful counter-reaction was brewing on X/Twitter. Here are some of the top


Top Conservatives were 


Julie Kelly, who has been unravelling DOJ corruption, noted that Bragg’s office was full of Biden apparatchniks:

Doug Burgum, a contender for the Trump Vice-Presidency, also decried the verdict.


Even Susan Collins, the moderate Republican Senator from Maine, expressed disappointment over the verdict and the case in general. If even she is not on board with this, Democrats are facing a united conservative front this November.


READ NEXT: Trump’s NY Trial Ends

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