Categories: BidenCongressCrime

Republicans Stop Government Surveillance

19 Congressional Republicans voted against the renewal of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. FISA has been used since 1978 to collect intelligence on domestic threats, but has been ever encroaching on the privacy of Americans.

Since 9/11, FISA has been used against domestic terror plots, but also capturing vast amounts of data from innocent Americans. Now that America is mostly disentangled from Middle East quagmires, Republicans fear that FISA could be used against Conservative American citizens. Fox News says:

Amid a congressional stalemate, the U.S. intelligence community is straining to spotlight the critical nature of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act without providing so much public detail that its targets adapt — while also fighting widespread misunderstandings about the law within Congress.

“In trying to describe the value, you also provide to your adversary, whoever they are, a sense of how you’re using the authority,” Christine Abizaid, director of the National Counterterrorism Center told FOX in an exclusive interview. “That’s why it’s so painful to get meaningful examples from us.”

Not having a FISA renewal still means that domestic agencies can collect information by using warrants. Those, however, require a higher burden of proof and cannot act as fishing expeditions. The Hill continues:

“At the end of the day, we’ve got to make sure that our government can’t keep spying on us citizens without a warrant,” Good, the Freedom Caucus chair, said at a press conference in February.

“Simply put, anonymous bureaucrats have abused this tool that was intended for supporting surveillance of threats to spy on American citizens, but conservatives are fighting for strict reforms to this law.”

Americans are tired of being ruled under a state of emergency when none exists. The Biden regime would rather keep America in a constant state of panic, while using domestic law enforcement to go after conservatives.

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