
The Truth About Biden’s Dog Attacks is Revealed

1 min read
Photo Credit: 12019, via Pixabay

Biden’s dog, Commander, was removed from the White House in 2023 after reports he bit Secret Service agents and staff. Now the full scope of the dog’s aggressions, and worst of all, the Bidens’ approval, is out.

An internal Secret Service document was leaked and posted online, saying that the dog had bitten 24 agents in less than a year. Most of these injuries resulted in bloody wounds, something that could have a dog put down immediately in any part of the country. Fox News reports:

President Biden’s dog, Commander, reportedly bit and attacked numerous U.S. Secret Service (USSS) personnel in at least 24 incidents between October 2022 and July 2023, before he was ultimately removed from the White House campus.

Newly released internal USSS documents posted publicly by The Black Vault and obtained by Fox News Digital, reveal at least 24 incidents in which the German shepherd bit or attempted to bite Secret Service staff members or others.

Secret Service agents see a Presidential detail as a coveted position that can help their career. Making demands that the dog be removed from the White House could get them moved to a different assignment instead. The Hill reports

Some of the incidents were more serious than others. In one description of an incident on April 12 an employee wrote that when, “Walking to assumed post, I walked to unlock the door leading to the south ground of the White House.”

“Once I open the door, the dog (commander) jumped at me and bit me in the left arm. I sustained two puncture marks and the skin was broken with blood present,” the employee wrote of the incident on a form for workers’ compensation as a result of a traumatic injury.

Joe Biden could be sued civilly for the injuries, as any other American could be. More than anything, it shows the reckless disregard for working class Americans. You can often judge a person’s true values based on how they treat those who work for them directly, a test that Joe Biden has spectacularly failed.

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